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Now that advertising has moved into the digital landcape, some fear that print may be tossed to the wayside. Digital should complement print, not overwhelm it. Print is still a very important medium to use when telling a brand's story because print is tangible, so it lasts


Sometimes I think about the advertisements from years ago that were painted on the sides of buildings, which are now fading remnants of days gone by. These are commonly called “ghost signs”; hundreds of years have passed but they still stand as a testament, or proof, that we existed. Marshall McLuhan once said:





If everything we do in advertising, or the world in general, is strictly digital, where is our footprint on the world? What are our ghost signs if we never make anything worthy, or capable, of slowly fading away on the side of a building?


Moving forward, we will have to adapt to an ever-changing world and learn how to make our mark in new and innovative ways, all the while never losing sight of the things that inspire and challenge us.

"Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century."

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